Thursday, August 6, 2015

Our (Sort Of) Typical Day

I took the day off from work today.  We had an appointment to go get the results from some evaluations our son had and we both wanted to be there.  Usually, unless both parents have to be there, my wife takes our son to his appointments while I'm at work.  Ideally, I would be able to get all his appointments after 5:30 pm, within walking distance from my work, and there would be an extra 2-3 hours added in the day so that we had enough time to go home, finish school work, spend some quality time together and get to bed, just so that I could attend all his appointments.  It's hard to hear everything second hand, hoping I understood everything correctly and making the guilt be quiet.  But it's just occupational therapy, he isn't missing me.

Anyway, today we went to get results and I went to his Thursday OT appointment for the first time. I got to meet his therapist and see what she does with him, which is different from the Tuesday OT (which I do get to go to since it is at 5:30pm and within walking distance from my work).  I was happy to get to do that!

However, the day was more difficult than most.  Our son has Asperger's, which we have known for a while, amongst other issues (which is why he gets different therapies).  His various issues compound each other and, with the lack of social understanding from the Autism, create some challenging behavioural issues.  Some days are better than others.  Today was one of the worst days we've had in a while.  What's worse is that we haven't been able to figure out what causes this, what the triggers are, so we can't really anticipate or prevent it.  Something as simple as "stop jumping around" become draining events.  If I didn't know any better I'd think someone gave him an energy drink.

We made it through the morning and, after figuring out how to put on his shoes, were able to leave on time to get his evaluation results.  Nothing new was noted, high functioning autism (previously known as Asperger's) and now we try to get him more help at school.  We made it back home and had lunch.  My wife made a quick run to the grocery store down the block for some stuff we can only get there while I did some school work with our son.  After she came back, we rested for a little while before heading to the OT.  After OT we went to our regular grocery store, which is a bit further but has much better prices and variety, and then went back home in time for dinner.  Some more school work after dinner and then more just "being" before bedtime.

The heat makes us very lame right now, we just want to sit near the AC and not do much of anything.  I did sort of rush through the description of the day but I just wanted to give the overall picture of it.  I'll describe us being not so lame in future posts.  But I can't promise excitement, we're not reality show material.

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